Washington Institute of
Dermatologic Laser Surgery Blog

Washington, D.C.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year, New You

Start off 2010 with the latest treatments you’ll only find at WIDLS

With the holidays behind us, it’s time for a fresh start! Along with those New Year’s resolutions to eat better and exercise more, many of us are looking in the mirror and thinking about change.

Meet Solta Fraxel re:store® Dual…

The winter months are the best time to use lasers for skin rejuvenation because our sun exposure is at a minimum, and the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery is the only practice in the D.C. area to offer Solta Fraxel re:store Dual. This new, unique treatment offers an extremely effective way to rejuvenate the face, chest, hands and beyond by combining the wrinkle-reducing power of Fraxel re:store with a first-of-its kind laser wavelength that eliminates age spots, melasma and other discoloration caused by excess pigment. Book this treatment on a Thursday afternoon, take a long-weekend “staycation,” and you’ll be back in action on Monday loving your younger-looking skin.

Say hello to NeoGraft™…

Stop thinking about your hair loss and start doing something about it! Hair restoration just got a lot easier with the introduction of NeoGraft—and WIDLS is the only practice in Washington, D.C. that has it. Unlike traditional hair restoration, which involves a surgical setting and significant recovery, NeoGraft is a revolutionary system that offers faster, less invasive hair transplantation with minimal downtime. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about NeoGraft and to see if you’re a candidate.

Solta Fraxel re:store Dual and NeoGraft are just two of the many cutting-edge technologies that WIDLS doctors turn to for a variety of skin and beauty concerns. From chemical peels and injectables to cellulite reduction and much more, call us today to see how we can help you meet your 2010 beauty goals!
In other news…

WIDLS founder Dr. Tina Alster is now the “Face of Georgetown!” As a regular contributor to the website, GeorgetownDish.com, Dr. Alster shares insight and insider information about the beauty concerns and issues everyone’s buzzing about, and gives you the opportunity to ask questions and add your thoughts. Check it out at GeorgetownDish.com!

posted by P.H.A. at 7:17 PM

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