Washington Institute of
Dermatologic Laser Surgery Blog

Washington, D.C.

Friday, September 10, 2010

CoolSculpting by Zeltiq™

Drs. Alster, Tanzi, and MacGregor at the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery
were the first physicians in the mid-Atlantic and DC Metro area to offer CoolSculpting by
Zeltiq™, a revolutionary, non-invasive way to eliminate unwanted fat bulges. In fact, the
Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery participated in the first clinical studies
that led to the FDA-approval of the device. As one of the first practices to use CoolSculpting
by Zeltiq™ in the world, we have the experience to deliver safe and effective results.

The science behind CoolSculpting by Zeltiq™, called Cryolipolysis™, was developed by
dermatologists at Harvard Medical School. Their research demonstrated that fat cells are
naturally more sensitive to the effects of cold. By using advanced tissue cooling technology,
CoolSculpting by Zeltiq™ can destroy fat cells through a controlled cooling process leaving
the surrounding tissues unharmed. In clinical research performed at the Washington Institute of
Dermatologic Laser Surgery, Drs. Alster, Tanzi, and MacGregor have shown that, for properly
selected patients, the Zeltiq procedure resulted in a noticeable, natural-looking fat reduction
in targeted areas without the need for needles, incisions, anesthesia, or recovery-time. After a
virtually painless procedure, clinical improvement is evident within 2 to 4 months. Additional
treatments can be performed to attain additional fat destruction. After the treatment, normal
activities can be resumed immediately-- there is no recovery time. Fat reduction with no cutting, no needles, and no recovery? How cool is THAT?

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posted by Jessica at 10:08 AM

Monday, July 12, 2010

Exciting New Technology

Neograft Hair Transplantation is now available at The Washington Institute of Dermatologic Surgery

Surgical hair restoration is a procedure that removes hair from the back of the scalp (the permanent hair zone) and transplants it to the balding or thinning areas (in the front). Both men and women with hair loss may be candidates for this treatment. In contrast to older methods using "plugs" of hair, modern hair transplantation uses tiny hair follicle grafts to maintain their natural configuration (single to several hairs at a time). The end result is a completely natural look, since grafts are placed follicle by follicle. Hundreds to thousands of grafts can be extracted and transplanted in a single session with little to no pain and limited recovery.

The Neograft device allows automated extraction of each follicular unit from the donor area in the back of the scalp. This results in more efficient, one-by-one graft harvest that is less traumatic and more elegant than traditional strip excision. The tiny circular incisions in the back heal quickly without the need for sutures or staples. Within days, the donor sites are disguised between adjacent hairs with virtually no detectable scarring so that the hair can be worn short or long without any evidence of the procedure.

After the first 24 hours, an office visit is recommended for bandage removal and a gentle hair washing. The transplanted grafts in the front heal within 1 to 2 weeks. The transplanted hairs shed from the sites, but gradually re-grow over the first year to yield the final, permanent result.

Please contact our Washington DC cosmetic dermatology office at 202-628-8855 for further information or to schedule a detailed consultation.

Almost everyone has heard that Dysport helps facial wrinkles, but did you know that Dysport can also eliminate underarm perspiration?

So many people deal with excessive underarm wetness, especially in the Summer months. Entire wardrobes are based around loose fitting clothing to hide the stains. Dysport injections provide an easy fix. After treatment, your body still produces sweat, just not in the treated areas so there are no issues with overheating.

A fifteen minute appointment with your dermatologist could make this soggy Washington DC summer a cool and carefree one.

During July and August, a savings of 50% on Dysport antiperspirant treatment is being offered.

Summer price $750 (Regular price $1,500)

posted by Jessica at 7:49 AM

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

All About Hair: More or Less

Hair is one of our body characteristics that we either love or hate. Depending on the area of our body where it grows, we either want more of it or we want it gone. At WIDLS, we understand the hair dilemma better than anyone. Whether you want to rid yourself of unwanted body hair or wish you had a scalp full of thicker hair, we have an option for you.

More: NeoGraft™ Hair Transplantation

Thinning hair can be a self-consciousness issue for both men and women. NeoGraft is a new technology that helps an existing hair transplant technique (follicular unit extraction or FUE) work better and faster than ever, offering relief to those worried about thinning or vanishing hair.

Essentially, the FUE technique removes hair follicles, individually or in small clusters, from the back of the head for transplant to bald spots, the hairline, or wherever else is desired. The FUE technique is widely regarded as gentler for the patient and kinder to the transplanted hair follicles than is the mainstream linear harvest follicular unit transplant system, which involves surgery and extensive recovery time.

While the FUE technique has been around for many years, it has been regarded as too expensive and time-consuming. NeoGraft speeds up this transplant procedure, and its technological advances allow more of the hair follicle transplants to survive, making for better results and requiring less follow-up treatment.

Less: Laser Hair Removal

Excessive body hair can be an annoyance for anyone, but it's not something you have to live with! WIDLS offers one of the most effective hair removal methods with our laser hair removal procedure. The laser light is directed toward your skin surface penetrating to the next layer, the dermis, where hair follicles are located. The light is then absorbed by the melanin in each hair follicle causing the follicle to shut down.

Hair grows in a 3-phase cycle, with a growth phase followed by a resting phase and then a shedding phase. During laser hair removal treatment, follicles in the growth phase are primarily affected because they contain the most pigment.

When little or no melanin is present, the laser light is not absorbed. Thus, if you have very fair hair (blonde, white, gray or light red), laser hair removal will not work. But it works very well on dark brown, dark red, and black hair.

The hair removal laser can work on virtually any area of the body, including under the arms, bikini, legs, face, chest, and back. All skin types (light and dark) can be treated, but it is best to lose any suntan prior to undergoing laser hair removal treatment.

At the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery, a number of innovative technologies are being used to address your hair concerns. Advice from a one of our dermatologists is a good first step in deciding what it is right for you. If you are in the Washington, D.C. area, we invite you to contact us by phone or e-mail for a consultation.

posted by Admin at 9:01 AM

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Get Ready for Summer

Summer is finally on its way! After a long winter, WIDLS is getting ready for the sun and fun of the season with new specials.

Remove Unwanted Hair
As you cast off your heavy winter apparel and get ready to slip into your light and breezy summer outfits, it’s the ideal time to rid yourself of excess and unwanted body hair. The days when unwanted hair had to be removed by painful waxing or plucking are long gone. At WIDLS, we use laser hair removal technology to remove hair in a quick, safe, and effective process.

The laser light is directed through the skin surface to the next layer, called the dermis, where the hair follicles are located. The light energy is absorbed by the melanin (pigment) in each follicle and the heat instantly shuts down the follicles or destroys them altogether.

The hair removal laser can work on any body area. The most commonly treated areas are the legs, bikini, underarms, chin, upper lip, and chest or back (in men). Now through the end of June, take 10% off your laser hair removal when you undergo treatment of two or more areas.

Get a Body by Thermage
As we get older, we naturally lose the presence of collagen in the skin. Now, using Thermage, you can achieve skin that is both young looking and healthy. Thermage is a completely safe skin rejuvenation procedure sought out by many people looking for a smooth, youthful appearance.

The Thermage device delivers radio frequency energy to the skin to tighten it and stimulate further collagen production. Benefits of Thermage include:
No incision or scalpel surgery required
Numerous areas of face and body can be treated
Return to daily activities is immediate (no recovery)
No general anesthesia necessary
Visible improvement (skin tightening) seen after one or two treatments

With these kinds of benefits, many patients choose Thermage as a procedure to obtain the same kind of results a facelift might, but without the need for invasive surgery. This skin rejuvenation procedure is available to those who want skin that is tight, smooth, and youthful. Now through the end of June, receive 10% off the cost of Thermage with the treatment of 1 area and 20% off with the treatment of 2 or more areas.

Please contact us for a consultation or to schedule an appointment to take advantage of our Summer Specials. We are located in Washington, D.C. and look forward to seeing you soon.

posted by Jessica at 4:01 PM

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Just in time to address your aging (sagging) concerns, a new treatment has become available for facial rejuvenation. It is called Ultherapy™. It is a non-invasive treatment that uses ultrasound to stimulate collagen production in the skin.

The skin has multiple layers that continuously undergoes repair. The top layer (epidermis) replaces old skin cells with new ones. The next (deeper) layer is called the dermis and one of its jobs is to produce collagen. It has a matrix of collagen fibers entwined with elastin fibers that supports the skin surface, keeping it smooth. Like the epidermis, the dermis creates new skin cells to replace old ones.

As we age and the body slows down, collagen production in the dermis is diminished and fewer cells are replaced. The dermal matrix develops gaps into which the top skin layer collapses, effectively creating wrinkles. Damage to the skin also occurs with sun exposure and wrinkles are further accentuated with repeated facial expressions. In addition to Ultherapy, other rejuvenating procedures include filler and botulinum injections.

How Does Ultherapy™ Work?
Ultrasound is a vibration of sound that we cannot hear. Its frequency is higher than our audible range, just as ultraviolet light is beyond the visible color spectrum that we can see. When ultrasound is directed beneath the skin’s surface into the dermis, it causes a controlled disruption of the skin which, in turn, reacts by producing collagen and tighter replacement cells.

Each Ultherapy™ treatment takes about an hour. No anesthesia is typically necessary, but pain pills are available upon request. Ultherapy™ rejuvenates many facial areas- smoothing out wrinkles on the brow and cheeks and providing tissue tightening on the neck and eyes.

Immediately after treatment, the skin has a flushed look for a few hours, but no external wound is evident. Makeup can be applied immediately so that you can return to work or other activities the same day.

Results may be evident after just one treatment, but additional treatments can be applied to enhance the clinical effect. After two or three months, when the skin has had time to replace many old cells with new, tighter cells and more collagen is supporting the surface, you should show noticeable improvement.

Please see our page on Ultherapy™ for more information.

If you are in the Washington D.C. area and would like to know more about Ultherapy™ as an option for your facial rejuvenation, please contact us today for a personal consultation.

posted by Admin at 10:21 AM

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Zeltiq Cryolipolysis: Non-Invasive Fat Reduction Without Pain

Developed by dermatologists at Harvard Medical School, the Zeltiq™ cryolipolysis procedure takes advantage of the fact that fat cells are more sensitive to cold temperatures than other skin cells. Using advanced cooling technology, the Zeltiq™ procedure targets and eliminates fat cells without harming the surrounding tissue. The Zeltiq™ procedure was developed in 2005 and has received approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in the United States.

Physicians at the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery (WIDLS) were among the first worldwide to apply this non-invasive procedure in a clinical setting. Patients experienced noticeable, natural-looking reduction of fat without the use of needles, incisions, or anesthesia.

The procedure works through application of a device on the area to be treated which, in turn, becomes cold enough to destroy the fat cells in the region. The body naturally disposes the damaged fat cells, followed by a noticeable improvement in the body contour. During the procedure, skin is drawn into a suction device using mild vacuum pressure. Some patients find the cold sensation mildly uncomfortable, but there is no pain and no recovery time is necessary.

Days after the procedure is performed, the cooled fat cells begin to shrink (apoptosis). The damaged cells are digested over a period of several months and are removed through the liver. Ideal candidates are those patients in good general health who have modest areas of fat bulges they would like reduced. This procedure is not a substitute for a healthy diet and active lifestyle. It is also not recommended for morbidly obese patients.

If you live in the Washington, DC area, please contact the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery today to schedule a consultation to learn more about the Zeltiq™ procedure. We have patients come from around the world for this exciting treatment and can assist you with accommodations should you travel from afar.

posted by Jessica at 7:26 AM

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Making March Beautiful

Make this March a beautiful month with these specially priced treatments and products at Washington Institute of Dermatological Laser Surgery.

This month only, WIDLS is offering 50% off Zeltiq cryolipolysis fat reduction treatments. At just $500 an area, you can be among the first to try this revolutionary procedure that’s poised to be the next big thing.

Get longer lashes at an unbeatable price. This month, buy a two-month supply of Latisse at WIDLS and get a third month at 50% off (a savings of $60).

NIA 24 is our go-to brand for improving the appearance of sun-damaged skin, and when you buy two products this month, you get a third NIA 24 product free (a $50 to $120 value).

At-home devices are a great way to maintain the results of in-office treatments. This month only, buy any two devices (including Clarisonic Pro/Mia/Opal Skin Care Brushes, Omnilux LED, Silk'n SensEpil and the HairMax Comb) and save 20% (savings range from $60 to $200).

posted by Tiffany at 1:37 PM

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