Washington Institute of
Dermatologic Laser Surgery Blog

Washington, D.C.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

All About Hair: More or Less

Hair is one of our body characteristics that we either love or hate. Depending on the area of our body where it grows, we either want more of it or we want it gone. At WIDLS, we understand the hair dilemma better than anyone. Whether you want to rid yourself of unwanted body hair or wish you had a scalp full of thicker hair, we have an option for you.

More: NeoGraft™ Hair Transplantation

Thinning hair can be a self-consciousness issue for both men and women. NeoGraft is a new technology that helps an existing hair transplant technique (follicular unit extraction or FUE) work better and faster than ever, offering relief to those worried about thinning or vanishing hair.

Essentially, the FUE technique removes hair follicles, individually or in small clusters, from the back of the head for transplant to bald spots, the hairline, or wherever else is desired. The FUE technique is widely regarded as gentler for the patient and kinder to the transplanted hair follicles than is the mainstream linear harvest follicular unit transplant system, which involves surgery and extensive recovery time.

While the FUE technique has been around for many years, it has been regarded as too expensive and time-consuming. NeoGraft speeds up this transplant procedure, and its technological advances allow more of the hair follicle transplants to survive, making for better results and requiring less follow-up treatment.

Less: Laser Hair Removal

Excessive body hair can be an annoyance for anyone, but it's not something you have to live with! WIDLS offers one of the most effective hair removal methods with our laser hair removal procedure. The laser light is directed toward your skin surface penetrating to the next layer, the dermis, where hair follicles are located. The light is then absorbed by the melanin in each hair follicle causing the follicle to shut down.

Hair grows in a 3-phase cycle, with a growth phase followed by a resting phase and then a shedding phase. During laser hair removal treatment, follicles in the growth phase are primarily affected because they contain the most pigment.

When little or no melanin is present, the laser light is not absorbed. Thus, if you have very fair hair (blonde, white, gray or light red), laser hair removal will not work. But it works very well on dark brown, dark red, and black hair.

The hair removal laser can work on virtually any area of the body, including under the arms, bikini, legs, face, chest, and back. All skin types (light and dark) can be treated, but it is best to lose any suntan prior to undergoing laser hair removal treatment.

At the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery, a number of innovative technologies are being used to address your hair concerns. Advice from a one of our dermatologists is a good first step in deciding what it is right for you. If you are in the Washington, D.C. area, we invite you to contact us by phone or e-mail for a consultation.

posted by Admin at 9:01 AM

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