Washington Institute of
Dermatologic Laser Surgery Blog

Washington, D.C.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Zeltiq Cryolipolysis: Non-Invasive Fat Reduction Without Pain

Developed by dermatologists at Harvard Medical School, the Zeltiq™ cryolipolysis procedure takes advantage of the fact that fat cells are more sensitive to cold temperatures than other skin cells. Using advanced cooling technology, the Zeltiq™ procedure targets and eliminates fat cells without harming the surrounding tissue. The Zeltiq™ procedure was developed in 2005 and has received approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in the United States.

Physicians at the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery (WIDLS) were among the first worldwide to apply this non-invasive procedure in a clinical setting. Patients experienced noticeable, natural-looking reduction of fat without the use of needles, incisions, or anesthesia.

The procedure works through application of a device on the area to be treated which, in turn, becomes cold enough to destroy the fat cells in the region. The body naturally disposes the damaged fat cells, followed by a noticeable improvement in the body contour. During the procedure, skin is drawn into a suction device using mild vacuum pressure. Some patients find the cold sensation mildly uncomfortable, but there is no pain and no recovery time is necessary.

Days after the procedure is performed, the cooled fat cells begin to shrink (apoptosis). The damaged cells are digested over a period of several months and are removed through the liver. Ideal candidates are those patients in good general health who have modest areas of fat bulges they would like reduced. This procedure is not a substitute for a healthy diet and active lifestyle. It is also not recommended for morbidly obese patients.

If you live in the Washington, DC area, please contact the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery today to schedule a consultation to learn more about the Zeltiq™ procedure. We have patients come from around the world for this exciting treatment and can assist you with accommodations should you travel from afar.

posted by Jessica at 7:26 AM

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